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You may have seen this article in the Daily Mail , with the provocative headline: "Breast milk is 'no better for a baby than bo...
It feels like deja vu - earlier in the year I tackled birth and breastfeeding newspaper articles in this post ; and this week Helen Rumbel...
Earlier in the year this post about breastfeeding in swimming pools became one of my most read ever - and I'm disappointed, after all t...
Image by ammateo - Creative Commons Earlier this year a single line in Michel Odent's recently published book Childbirth and the Fut...
Two articles have been bothering me this week: Helen Rumbelow's 'Your mother-in-law was right: breastfed babies don't sleep thro...
This week I've been thinking about the messages mothers get from their health professionals, peers and the older generation about breast...
This morning on Facebook the first thing I read was on one of the breastfeeding support pages I contribute to, from a mum who'd heard re...
The news that Danone, which makes Aptamil and Cow & Gate formula milks, has imposed sales restrictions on parents in the UK has been all...
Sometimes blogging completely takes me by surprise. Last week I posted about GPs and breastfeeding . Compared to some of my posts, hardly an...
Last month, online retailer Ocado distributed, in print and online, a magazine that carried a feature advertising first-stage infant formul...